Nice, the price of ‘fame’ (or whatever) eventually hits and I get personal attacks from a random stranger on Podcast Alley. I try to be nice and personable and shit, I always answer people’s questions… I love people. It’s really terrible, but I was sort of waiting for someone to post something like that eventually. Sucks it had to be an attack on my person rather than the quality of my show. I suppose I should be greateful no one poked fun at my relationship troubles too.
So I guess this should act as a warning to whomever is doing this. Getting personal and friendly with people is great in this strange and new medium, but it’s also challenging I guess. People get this vision of who you are, and if you expand from those boundaries they may feel betrayed, I suppose.
Anyway, if any of you have anything whatsoever to say about either the show or myself, positive or negative (but especially negative), please do me the courtesy of putting a name and email address behind it. Bye.
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