podcast 20 mar + comix

Oh yeah, I made a show like 48 hours ago. I keep forgetting to post them, and now I have no idea what I played… oh yeah, it was Tortoise, Strike Anywhere and Immortal Technique.

Click here to listen

Oh yeah, and I made this comic about Adam Curry on Gnomz.com, but this French one is so much better. Enjoy.



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4 responses to “podcast 20 mar + comix”

  1. m-c Avatar

    aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrg. cant find your email address anywhere again..

    THE podcaster nite is supposed to be tonite – will u be there? If so let me know so at least there will be 2 of us

  2. Krash Coarse Avatar
    Krash Coarse

    Dude, you’re converting me, and I’m an old fart! 🙂
    Immortal Technique was awesomely disturbing, although I kinda guessed the plot of the story. I have avoided any kind of rap/hiphop since the mid 80’s. RunDMC rocked back in the day, and Young MC & ToneLoc was just fun. But then I got out of hi-school, and turned into a classic-rock guy. Seems like that’s the only GOOD stuff they play on the radio these days: past glory!

    We so badly need for these newer artists you and the other AMP guys are playing to be exposed to more people. (I’m listening to CC Chapman’s #10 pcast right now… rockin!)

    Thanks for your time and work at this, I’ll keep preaching podcast-gospel to anyone who’ll listen!


  3. Deniz Avatar

    Nice to hear Strike Anywhere on some other shows!

    And nice to know you enjoy my podcast, I wasn’t quite sure if you were still listening or not…

  4. Neil Gorman Avatar

    Julian, this show was fucking kick ass. I want to go out and find some Immortal Technique and buy it ASAP (which will not be very soon really because I have no money… but when I have money I will go and get some of their CD’s.

    I also wanted to let you know that I’m going to talk lots about your show in comicoogy bonus podcast #3 which will be up by the end of this week.

    You are the man!


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