bike bottleneck

yup, so i spent the day looking throughout bike shops in the city and found very little. this, after i bent the frame of my current bike completely out of shape in an idiotic accident a few weeks ago (and yes, i’m fine).

anyway, i’m still looking. until then, i’m walking a lot, which means i listen to a lot of podcasts all the while. someone know a good bike shop in montreal? email me please!





2 responses to “bike bottleneck”

  1. Alex Avatar

    Yeti on St-Laurent and Fairmount offer a fair if pricey selection of new rigs. For older refurbished or classic bikes, check out Vélo makak : 215 rue Murray (2 rue à l’ouest de Peel près de Wellington) 831-4560

  2. groundctrl Avatar

    thanks alex, i’ll totally check them out. you are still the best listener EVAR!!

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