i wanted to finish a set before the end of the evening, and just did so now as i am going to bed. i won’t be putting it up onto the feed until morning, but feel free to download it now with this link if you’re into it. otherwise you’ll receive it later on Thursday. remember to try out the enhanced feed if you’re using iTunes and an iPod!
- Rjd2 – ‘De l’Alouette’ (*)
- King Geedorah – ‘Antimatter feat MF Doom and Mr Fantastic’ (Amazon)
- Quasimoto – ‘Bus Ride’ (Amazon)
- Bootie Brown (Pharcyde) – ‘I Smoke’ (iTunes)
- Felt – ‘Life Vegas’ (Amazon)
- Masta Killa – ‘Secret Rivals’ (iTunes)
- Madvillain – ‘Accordeon’ (iTunes)
- Liferexall – ‘Interlude 3’ (a bit hard to find – try here?)
it’s funny, because these things get both easier and harder as i do them. they get easier because i understand the software better, but they get much harder because i want to do more challenging things and am not sure how yet.
update: the enhanced show is up! subscribe to it here.
(*) – none of the versions of Since We Last Spoke by Rjd2 had the full 14 tracks that my version has, except here at Last.fm, if you’re interested. great album.
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