Old BME Radio interviews available as podcasts

I just finished putting together an RSS feed of old interviews that were done by BME with various piercing, tattoo, and body play professionals in 2000-2001, for a project called BME Radio. These include Paul Booth, The Lizardman, and the late, great Keith Alexander.

You can subscribe to this great set of interviews by dragging this into iTunes, or any other podcatching application. Enjoy.





2 responses to “Old BME Radio interviews available as podcasts”

  1. Jun Avatar

    i really like what you do, i’ve was a listener back when you were podcasting indiefeed and then one day u were gone and i had never paid attention to ur intro where u hit up this site. i’m soo glad i found it tho kuz idk i really enjoy that you bring a serious intellectual approach to the hip-hop. plus on just a side note, its kind of a cool contrast to go from the occaissonal harder sounding more heavy diction to your lighter slightly softer sounding voice, idk keeps me coming back, thanks.

  2. Alex Kenzie Avatar

    Julien! Thank you so much – this is exactly what I was looking for!! I’ll be adding it to a new “Radio” section on my website. 🙂

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