There is a browser war going on inside my Powerbook. It is a veritable deathmatch, happening real-time, with my short attention span as the prize. Here are the contestants:
Pros: It’s fast – damn fast. Its speed makes my mind scream in rage (accompanied by pulsating forehead vein) whenever I use anything else. Also, it looks great and includes Saft, which rules (despite having to pay for it).
Cons: Like the hare, Safari has been stalling repeatedly to chill out, usually when passing data (like login information) to servers. I haven’t figured that out yet, so I’m not using it right now.
Pros: Compliant to all W3C specifications. Shows websites the way the majority of the users I want to reach are seeing them. Has nifty plugins like Aardvark and the development toolbar, as well as the Google toolbar. I’m using this for website development right now.
Cons: Our foxy friend does not deal well with multimedia and Flash. Since I visit stuff like YouTube and labels’ websites pretty often, it has a tendency to crash – a lot more than I’d like it to.
Pros: Tried this one because it had the advantage of being neither. It is a Mozilla build, like Firefox, but made for OS X, so I figured its loyal choir had something to harp on about. I’m using this as my primary browser right now.
Cons: Slower than foreplay with a retarded lesbian quadruple-amputee. Just slow. Otherwise does fine, I guess, but the fact that I can’t save tabs doesn’t help, especially after getting used to the Firefox extensions (or Saft on Safari).
Insert your browser here!
If your browser solves my problems, email me! I’ll try any browser for at least a couple of weeks, and report back. I’m seriously desperate at this point, and so is my girlfriend, who has similar opinions to mine. She’s considering Opera, but I’m not that desperate (I think).
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