Reminiscing today about flashmobs we worked (pretty damn hard) to create in the summer of 2003. It was after coming across Howard Rheingold’s (still highly relevant) blog that got me thinking about all this. An hour of Google-fu later, the following links:
- An article about our Duck Mob at (Mob #1)
- Scan of French La Presse article (very high res, download recommended). [Thanks Martin!]
- French Radio-Canada article (Mob #1)
- A blog post from a participant (Mob #2)
- Another blog post, and accompanying video (Mob #2)
There were also some La Presse and Gazette articles I couldn’t find. You get a lot of press when you do fashionable artsy stuff. Personally, I am still in love with this kind of social experimentation, and have yet to find a tool so effective in reaching and directing such a huge group of people. Maybe more projects like this, someday. 🙂
(Here’s a mirror of the video, in case it disappears from its original location.)
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