Hey, tell me if you get this

I think I just resolved an RSS feed problem, so you guys need to let me know if you get this.

If you subscribed to this blog before mid-June, you probably haven’t received any new information up until today. That was when I upgraded to WordPress version 2.0 and, since then, a number of people coming to the website have let me know that they hadn’t received a thing since. It should be resolved now.

If you want to make sure you stay up to date with the feed, please subscribe to this feed instead of the previous one. Although it should be figured out now, it’s probably still better if you take a sec to update yourself.

So let me know if you receive this post! Especially if you haven’t gotten anything for a month or so, it would really help me figure everything out. Peace.





3 responses to “Hey, tell me if you get this”

  1. mhp Avatar

    fix confirmed.

  2. Sam Abuelsamid Avatar

    I did get this post, but I have also gotten your other recent posts.

  3. Nico Avatar

    Got it, but i did update the feed the other day.

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