Hip hop was born from the minds of young African-American men and women.





4 responses to “”

  1. Boris Anthony Avatar

    Nice. Except the last line. While “corporate influence” is nasty, that line should read “because of greed”. Hello 50 cent!


  2. mtl3p Avatar

    word up b(irthday)-boy.

  3. Kraze Avatar

    you say it’s your birthday? well happy birthday! Mine’s on the 12th. Which by the way (for any asian listeners or friends of yours that might swing by shanghai on the 12th.) is the date of China’s DMC championship held in shanghai.

    This site is cool. I like their message, like the art. 😀

  4. Kraze Avatar

    also, is it just my connection or have you not released a IOYH #121 yet.

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