I was at PodCamp this weekend, in Boston. I met a bunch of people while I was there, really remarkable, passionate individuals that were looking to take what they were making to the next level. Some of them knew what I made, but many did not. They asked me what is quickly becoming the most awkward question I have had to answer:
“So, what is your podcast about?”
Allow me to explain. To paraphrase an acquaintance of mine, “telling people I listen to hip hop music is worse than telling them I’m a lesbian.” Even more complex is telling people that it is about “anything and everything, stuff that upsets and interests me;” this results in responses like “Oh, so you’re another one of those rant shows.” Ugh.
So what is this podcast about? A great portion of In Over Your Head’s listenership have been vocal in their praise, but not many of them say that they listen for the music (CC Chapman, for example). They stay for something else – but what do they stay for?
I discussed this with Mark and Bob on the way home, and this is the best they came up with: In Over Your Head is a podcast about social commentary.
Do you agree? Tell me so in the comments. Write me a review in iTunes (hint: I’ll be grateful). I would love to hear what you think this podcast is to you. And if you haven’t heard it yet, give me a shot by subscribing in iTunes. It’s free.
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