Test post!

I’m testing the new 0.7 version of Flock, which has all this great Flickr, del.icio.us, and blogging functionality. It may actually become my browser of choice… that is, if I ever figure out how to save my tabs.

Update: Found a plugin!

Blogged with Flock





2 responses to “Test post!”

  1. DHP Avatar

    I’ve been using Flock for a year now. I was amazed at how quickly it replaced Firefox as my daily browser of choise. Now, built in podcasting (uploading to server) and podcastching support would make it beautiful.

  2. Chris Avatar

    Thanks for the really cool find. I’ve been playing around with it for about a week now and I really like it. My only comment is that it seems to lag compared to Safari and Firefox when it comes to connecting and clicking on any outgoing links. This might just be my computer. Have you noticed this?

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