Why am I doing radio out in the cold?

My Odeo Channel
How to subscribe.

My first regular show in about a month. I talk about the Homelessness Marathon, which is going on as I write this, about working through some of my long term goals, and the best t-shirt I have ever owned.

I also play a track from the band The Knife, which you should really check out. Click the picture, go listen to the tracks.

Direct download link



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7 responses to “Why am I doing radio out in the cold?”

  1. scott Avatar

    aw yeah. alias and tarsier right off the top. wicked stuff.

  2. scott Avatar

    me again. just thought i’d let you know that i made a quick reference to yr site on midnight poutine’s weekly roundup of local blogs. i’ve referenced yr blog before, in regard to the entrepreneurial breakfasts or whatever that was. anyway, you can see this week’s ref here:
    take care.

  3. Bitcloud Avatar

    ey brother…

    what other podcasts do you listen to? I’m basically restricted to yours and angi b’s…

    Other favs like Alternative hiphop lounge never update and I can’t bring myself to traul through the masses of podcasts out there.. i need recommendations 🙂

  4. jason Avatar

    funny that you should mention RJD2: i reviewed his upcoming album for a magazine i’m writing for. produced, arranged, composed, and performed entirely by rj: beats, keyboards, guitars, and voice. he sings on this album, even harmonizes with himself. he moves from sample-based instrumental producer to singer/songwriter. it’s a good album, but probably a complete 180 from what of his fans expect.

  5. Mr. Stockshaker.com Avatar

    Hey J,

    I’ve had your blog bookmarked for a while, and I’ll be honest, I had stumbled upon it for two reasons (1) a source of inspiration for my own blog – which I haven’t done, (2) to see if podcasting really works – another thing i haven’t implemented yet

    So, does this message have any purpose, or meat on the bones?


    Good work buddy!

    Kunal, the guy behind http://www.stockshaker.com: The Super Hot Stock Market: bull-ying the markets one day at a time!

  6. tim Avatar

    Julien, after chatting online from podcamp I am checking out and enjoying your podcast. Hope to catch your panel tommorrow. I am on the one about death of radio at 1130am.

  7. Vesa Loikas Avatar

    Moi Julien –

    And greetings from another cold town, called Turku, Finland.

    Your podcasts are great! Man, I started listening to you about 5-6 months ago and I do not really listen to hip-hop…except in your podcasts. But because of your great ‘speeches’ I started subcribing to your rss feed. And your podcasts are just getting better! Even the music…now that you’ve played more (scandinavian) electronica 🙂

    Anyway you asked to email you about how those cards helped to solve a problem. I took it to heart and there was something about ‘large empty quiet space’ in the card. I’m designing a website( I’m an architect by day and web designer by night..much more fun to design websites by the way)and I was thinking about the opening page (index.htm) so I decided to leave it very simple very open due to the card… anyway thank you ( ‘kiitos’ in finnish) for the excellent podcast.

    Take care,
    Vesa from Finland

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