Free phone sex

The short version of the story: I know a bunch of guys at Jangl that are really cool, and whose service is worth looking into. So when they asked me to put some stuff on my blog, I said sure. They even offered to pay me, but I’m not taking it, I just feel like they’re doing good stuff.

So yeah, it basically works like this: You can call me from anywhere in the world for free, with your own phone, using this link in my sidebar (RSS subscribers will have to click through to see it). I tried it with one of their peeps in San Francisco, and it totally works. So give it a shot.





12 responses to “Free phone sex”

  1. Bill Deys Avatar

    It won’t work from my cell! My outgoing number is blocked and it will not let me go through the activation process.

  2. chris Avatar

    Bill, just sent you an email. We’ll get it fixed for you.

  3. Aaron Burcell Avatar

    You need to turn on your caller ID so that Jangl can provide you with a local number so that you don’t have to pay for long distance calls. If you want to obscure your outgoing call, Jangl will protect your digits for you by provisioning a proxy number.

  4. Jackson Avatar

    Whoah! What’s up with the fonts on your front page??? My GOD, it’s a bit hard on the eyes.

  5. Aaron Burcell Avatar

    Dude, just had to clarify… we wanted to sponsor your blog, we weren’t offering you $ to blog about us. My PR guy hit had a heart attack last night — he nearly quit on me when other bloggers that read you started accusing Jangl of payola. Thanks for the plug — glad you like Jangl. Peace.

  6. Julien Avatar

    ??? are you serious ??? it totally wasn’t like that!

  7. tim Avatar

    all’s good, julien. aaron ‘splained it to me, cause i wasn’t paying attention. of course, as the PR guy references above, i’m paid to have heart attacks and be paranoid. . .at least it feels like that sometimes. thanks for this, and keep jangl’n. take care.

  8. tim Avatar

    i meant “referenced”

  9. Akash Avatar

    Hy guys

  10. Akash Avatar

    Ane grl here

  11. brian Avatar

    I just need a little help getting off the bed

  12. brian Avatar

    I just need a little help getting off the bed

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