Just thought I’d add my two cents to the discussions occurring about Canadian mobile data packages (in case you’re wondering, they go up to $12 per MB).
As a content-creating Canadian with an N95 smartphone, I produce value for my country by creating video content, increasing Canada’s profile in the web/mobile space. By allowing data packages to remain at this price, they are letting Americans take control of the space instead. We see more Steve Garfield and Scoble on their N95s than me, because it would cost me up to SIXTY DOLLARS to send a 5 megapixel photo to Flickr (in Canada, there is no unlimited option).
In fact, since I am being paid by Americans, I am producing exceptional value for Canada, bringing in dollars and paying taxes while not needing a Canadian company to pay my salary.
If Canada wants to help me compete, they need to find a way to make these data packages come down. In an increasingly web and mobile world, it’s cultural suicide not to do so.
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