Quick Tip: Write down your 2008 goals

I don’t read him anymore, but Steve Pavlina pointed me to this guide (no longer available) a few years ago which helps me lay out my goals every year. I’m not a Tony Robbins guy otherwise (never read any of his books), but this thing works for me, so I do it at the beginning of every year.

I’ll make the file temporarily available here in case anyone wants to look at it. It just helps you outline stuff, but it’s good.





5 responses to “Quick Tip: Write down your 2008 goals”

  1. Julien Avatar

    I saw that video a little bit ago. It changed the way I feel about the guy– I felt like he wasn’t talking down to his audience at all, but really communicating very genuinely.

    Then, in late 2007, I came across this video with Charlie Rose, in which he basically repeats the same spiel:


    It was a weird moment for me, knowing that everything he says that I’ll ever hear will basically be fully orchestrated. Strange feeling.

    Anyway, I still like him. But it makes him harder to believe in.

  2. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    Oh, he’s like many professional stage performers – it’s nearly a verbatim delivery.

  3. Clarence Avatar

    Good lookin’ out on the link, Julien — actually just drafted some revised goals early this morning after reading this by Penelope Trunk:


  4. Justin Simonsen Avatar

    Dude thanks. No really, thanks a lot this is gold.

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