My roommates and I are moving to a new place at the end of the month. The new place is nice, but we’re doing a few renovations on it because some stuff just hasn’t been worked on in a while and you can tell. There’s dust on the moldings, nails just randomly hanging everywhere, and layers and layers of paint. And I mean layers; so many that in some places, you can’t close the doors.
It just got me thinking about how it’s so much easier to keep doing the hack job. We just keep doing it, and the first time it isn’t so bad, because the doors close ok, but after a while, it causes problems. Now, my roommates and I are chipping away, over and over, and it just displays a kind of neglect these tenants had. I mean, we all sweep some stuff under the rug, but still.
Anyway, I’m just wondering, when is the right time to do something right? When does it become damaging, when can’t you close the doors in your own house anymore?
Not sure this post has a point. Or maybe it does. You tell me.
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