I don’t like pineapple, melons, or kiwi. I don’t like cottage cheese, either. But I’ve tried all of them in 24 hours. Here’s why.
You remember the face you used to make when you had wine as a kid? The grimace, and the way adults around you chuckled? And do you remember how you learned to like it? Why does that not happen with food?
A lot of the foods I don’t enjoy I had simply given up on; one example, radishes, is so bad that I’ve told people I’m allergic; but I’m not. I barely remember what they taste like, though; I’ve just psychologically crossed them off the list. Just like that– never again will I have a radish. Well, I’m starting over.
I learned to like beer, and wine, and a bunch of other foods over time. Now, I’m rebooting. I will try any food again, and I’m betting I’ll learn to like it.
Don’t give me your George Bush “I hate broccoli” speech. Real adults like a lot of food. It’s time for you to try something new.
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