Holding Something Real

Chris, Hugh and I were at Book Expo America over the weekend. While we were there, we saw the first copies of our book in actual real life. It was pretty awesome.

There’s something incredible about working really hard for a really long time on a project, with little or no reward, and then finally seeing something real show up, that was made and that you can hold. Of course, we had a nice turnout, so all that lasted only a short time before it was time to sign them all away.

That’s something that’s amazing about what we do, all of us, here on the web. We try to work hard, we have faith that it will have an impact, but we largely never hold something real in our hands. So it’s incredible to see something that people will not only see in bookstores, but hold in their bags and keep on their bookshelves.

I remember one rainy morning a while ago I was giving a girlfriend a few presents for her birthday. I woke up early and painted little cartoons on the wrapping paper. She liked the presents, sure, but somehow the wrapping paper made a huge difference.

It really is about the details, about things you will remember later because they’re real. Simple emotional stuff blurs over time, but actual objects, they can really bring you back.





11 responses to “Holding Something Real”

  1. Christine Prefontaine Avatar

    Congrats! Those glasses totally work for a book signing ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Justin Levy Avatar

    Congrats dude! It’s really awesome! I know how long you guys worked on the book. I can’t wait to read it and can’t wait to see it at the top of the charts ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Chris Webb Avatar

    Congratulations to you and Chris Brogan. I was glad to have played a small part, and cant wait to get my hands on *my* copy.

  4. Susan Carol McCarthy Avatar

    Bravo, Justin. A book in your hand is worth two in the bush? Just pre-ordered my copy from Amazon.com. Looking forward to reading it.

  5. Susan Carol McCarthy Avatar

    Ooops! Of course, I meant Julien, not Justin. Mea culpa. SCM.

  6. Amy Porterfield Avatar

    Congrats to you! It must be such a great feeling…all the hard work paid off. I cannot wait to get my hands on it!


  7. Michelle Avatar

    So cool – I dunno .. but I imagine that holding your own book is like being one step closer to God or something. All that wonder you must feel holding your creation in your hands.

    Or maybe I’m just too much of a romantic.

    Either way, congrats to you and Brogan – well deserved. Can’t wait to get my copy.

  8. John Haydon Avatar

    Julien – congrats!

    When can I get my hands on it?

  9. Dave LaMorte Avatar

    So are you going to start podcasting again? J/K

  10. Ricardo Bueno Avatar

    Julien: I know we’ve never met. I met Chris Brogan at Blogworld Expo 2008 and I know that you two have been working very hard to put this together. I trust that it will be great and I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS for working hard, seeing it through and putting something awesome together…

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