Your success, when it happens, will utterly shock you.
It won’t be that thing you’ve been planning since your childhood. More than likely, you don’t even feel that way anymore. (I wanted to be a psychologist, an artist, and many other things.)
Instead, out of left field, there will come some tiny opportunity. When you see it, you will consider dismissing it, because it seems insignificant, but for some reason, you will follow it. It’ll lead to something else, and something else entirely, and suddenly, you’re in a whole new world.
This randomness cannot be prepared for. It can only be adapted to.
Some people do have that kind of life– they aimed once, a very long time ago, and some time soon, they will hit that target. The period between the aim and the hit can be 20 years or more. If you’re one of these people, you probably know it.
Most of us are not like this. For this reason, adaptability is key.
This is why, on the most recent Media Hacks (to be published Sunday), I told people to stop bitching about how the new thing won’t beat Twitter (or whatever is hot right now) and just to get the hell on it and use it.
This is why we must always be ready to be wrong, never be certain of our own intelligence or preparedness.
Things that live, change. Things that are dead do not.
There’s no point wishing. Just adapt. It is what we do.
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