Have you been reading this blog via RSS? It may be time to take another look.
Today, the team at Stresslimitdesign and I are making public the final redesign of this blog, which has otherwise been half-assedly designed by myself since 2004. Only now, however, can I say I’m really happy of the way it looks and behaves.
Justin, Colin, and everyone else over there did a ridiculous amount of work on this beast. They built an entire set as backdrop (the two red LED signs in the design actually exist, as do all the other objects you see). The archive section is built from scratch and looks frikkin gorgeous. Everything has been thought through and there are a million little details that become noticeable over time. Check out the blog and the new landing page at JulienSmith.com.
One of the goals we had was to change the fact that every person in social media kind of has the same site– Thesis template, “add me on Twitter” badge, etc. etc. We wanted to do something different, that doesn’t only focus on converting, and that differentiates me (and weirds people out slightly) the way I feel that I would myself in person. Heh.
Anyway, if you haven’t been here in a while, I recommend you look around a bit, and let me know what you think.
Thanks for continuing to follow me through all the incoherent ramblings. 🙂
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