I’m reading this amazing blog right now called Marshall and Me.
It’s Michael Hinton, a guy I met a few months ago, writing a post every day about something or other that Marshall McLuhan wrote. He’s doing 300 posts. (I love projects that have finite endings. Rules For My Unborn Son is another.)
Anyway, it’s interesting how McLuhan seems to have all these ideas he’s toying with at all times– and he’ll talk about stuff before it’s in its finite final form, fiddling with the idea until he finds the best way to talk about it. Here he is talking about “the medium is the message” before he figured out that exact phrasing.
This process of putting something out early and then reiterating until it’s perfect is really commendable. It’s how great software is made. It’s how the best ideas develop.
I do this sometimes on my blog– write stuff out in different forms until I’m really happy with it. You should try it. Even if the thought isn’t perfect, publish anyway, you know?
Companies on the other hand apparently need to be perfect. Like Apple’s thing today (do I even need to link to it), a release must be a perfect thing. Great timing, great device, everything, or the stock price dips.
But there’s a big difference between being perfect and having to bow to everyone’s expectations… isn’t there. 😉
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