If you are afraid of the new, then you are afraid of success.
Seems obvious to us that we can’t follow the career path our parents did, right? We feel so smart when we say that it’s soooo evident, people change careers all the time, you can’t have one employer your whole life, etc. etc. Everythone thinks they’re a total genius when they say this.
The principle behind the statement is true. We just won’t profit using old models. However, we don’t seem to understand how much we rely on old models ourselves.
We still believe in:
– Rising to the top via the usual corporate ladder.
– Becoming self-employed using the same BS methods everyone else uses.
– Following the same relationship ladder as everyone else.
– Taking the popular trips everybody else takes.
Some of these things still work ok, and others don’t. But allow me to make this as plain as I can for you:
The paths in your head are your enemy.
They are paths because they have been taken before by other people, and because they were taken, they are no longer profitable. Someone else found that route. They picked up the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow before you did, and it’s gone now. Get it?
The Tragedy of the Commons means that everything that’s done before is not as good as it once was.
Someone else had that experience you wanted, and you didn’t. It was great then, and now it sucks. Guess what? That’s how things go. That is why I talk about scars.
Some people want you to believe that it’s easy, but it isn’t.
You’ll have to suffer.
You’ll have to break your own programming again and again.
You’ll have to fight everything in your past with every ounce of your being in order to become someone new.
Risk = Reward. There is no other way.
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