Quick, who are the 5 main actors in The Usual Suspects?
- Kevin Spacey
- Benicio del Toro
- ???
- ???
- ???
When was the last time you had an argument about what actors were in what movie? Do they still happen with your friends? They don’t happen as much with mine. We have smartphones, so the web makes them irrelevant.
Let’s say I gave you the answer to the above. Would you remember it? I’m guessing it’s more like “Cool, I can get that answer from IMDB later if I need it.”
This is what we meant in Trust Agents when we said “memory is becoming obsolete.” Basically, the web remembers for you, so you don’t need to… almost for anything.
We don’t need to explain cool commercials anymore because we can just say “I’ll send it to you later.” We don’t make bets about who has the most home runs because it’s accessible to us immediately.
We use memory instead for remembering where something is, instead of what something is. It’s like we’re remembering the pointer instead of the actual data.
What I’m wondering is if it’s something I should be upset about.
Am I right that what it seems to do is cut off conversations? Because that’s a little how it feels. Instead of a discussion there is an interrupt as someone looks it up on Wikipedia.
Basically it’s like a gameshow where to ask Google instead of Alex Trebek.
Somehow not as fun, though.
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