… after years on the web, I’m actually starting to see a few themes in my work.
There are actually quite a few, and it’s amazing I haven’t noticed it before. A blog allows you to drift along and write about anything, really, so it’s taken a lot of drifting before I figured anything out.
I’m still learning, but here’s one thing I’m seeing: I learn from nature.
What does that mean? Well, Trust Agents was about how communication was changing, but more importantly, it was about how humans aren’t changing at all.
When I write now, I write a lot in metaphor, like talking about being a leader by talking about geese. Again, we can absorb a lesson by noticing it in nature and applying it to ourselves.
It’s so strange how humans have absolutely no idea what we’re about, or what we need to do aside from feed ourselves, have sex, and take care of our families and friends. Beyond that, we don’t truly know how to be happy, or to spend the drastically increased lifespan we’ve gained in the last century.
No one has taught us this, so the only way we learn it is by hearing other people’s stories about what they did. Our mistake is that, instead of being inspired by them, we have a tendency to just copy them, which I’m not sure works well.
Whatever the case, what behaviour I copy I pick up from plants and animals, almost never from people. I don’t know why that is, but I honestly feel I can learn more about love from a dog than I can from a human. I feel like they know instinctively something we may have forgotten.
Do you agree? I’d love to hear why, or why not.
Photocredit: texaseagle
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