If you aren’t current, you may as well not exist.
This is my conclusion after reading Sylvain Carle recent post (in French, sorry) that tells me who inspires him in Montreal, the city I call my home. The gist is the following:
Carle lists 21 people that inspire him, and I like him a lot, so I want to find out more about the people I don’t know on his list. I open a bunch of tabs, as you probably would, to look at what these guys are up to. Here’s what I find:
- A handful of active blogs (7 or so, good for you!)
- About 5 Twitter accounts (maybe no blog?)
- About 5 inactive blogs (no content in months)
- One hacked website (yes, really)
The rest were company pages or landing pages with no content or easy entry point.
If you read this and you were on Sylvain’s list, which are you?
What excuse do you have for only having a Twitter account? Why has your content not been updated, in some cases, since 2009 or earlier**? The only thing this tells me is that you’re inactive and not current and that I don’t need to pay attention to you.
Each one of these people had a chance to reach a few more people by being cited as “having influenced” Carle. A few lived up to the promise. Many did not.
Which kind are you?
** Your “sorry I haven’t posted in a while” update doesn’t count, sorry!
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