Every external behaviour is a tell for an internal belief.
Yesterday, I spent time on a panel with Karl Dubost, whose website blocks search engines from finding him. This external behaviour is a tell for something he believes in. Can you guess what that is?
Today I heard a story where someone was talking about large sums of money very casually. What does that tell you about his worldview?
This is white shoe theory. It’s the idea that everything someone does or says comes from them wanting you to believe something, like you’re selling.
You see billionaires wearing regular clothes because they want to be treated more like real people. You see rap stars wearing gold because it convinces the audience that they’ve reached a certain class.
Everything is a tell. Nothing is opaque.
Sometimes I meet people whose face shows a lot more emotion than they probably intend, making the discomfort they feel obvious to me and everyone around them. Vocal tone does this too. It makes me wonder what tells I have that I don’t even know I’m presenting to people.
Do you ever wonder what impression you’re leaving on people? It’s my feeling that, given enough time, your true personality will show through despite you trying to hide it. What do you think?
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