
Your fashion choices, your words, your decisions–all need more BALLS.

You worry what people think about you because they won’t like you, or they’ll talk behind your back. But really, they’ll admire your courage and adjust just fine.

You’ll question yourself at the last minute, maybe think you’re crazy, but sometimes, you need to be uncomfortable and make mistakes. Jumping this far will give you the strength to jump further next time.

Sometimes, I like to think about all the people who almost made the right decision. They got to the edge and then just… stopped. These are the almost-Steve-Jobs, the almost-Vivienne-Westwoods, and the almost-MLKs. They all had very good reasons. There are millions of them, and you know none of their names.

Where are you right now? What is the worst case scenario? How likely is it? What about the best?

Either way, you’re going to be dead soon. You might as well do something fun, in the meantime.

At worst, you’ll laugh about it later. At best… well, you know.



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29 responses to “Balls”

  1. Bo Avatar

    But it’s not courage and outlandishness for the sake of getting noticed right? The real catalyst is the psychic distress that comes from knowing the world should be in some way different than it is now. (on a big or small level)

    It’s from that place that people should act (while keeping their humanity) to make the changes that they feel so strongly need to be made.

  2. mark Avatar

    thanks for this one, julien. after four and a half years of blogging and trying to mold the street culture scene here in hungary i’m opening a shop later this month in budapest, and i’m scared shitless. i’ve used up all of my savings, and people seem to be excited and are eagerly awaiting opening day, but the back of my head keeps asking “what if no one will buy? what if no one really cares? what if i can’t pay the bills? what if i lose all my money and half to get a 9 to 5?” but after reading this latest post, you’ve quieted that voice, and i really appreciate it. thanks.

  3. Aimee Davison Avatar

    You write your destiny, so make it a damn good read. And balls.


  4. Rick Avatar

    Goodnight, and big balls.

  5. Colleen Clifford Avatar

    It’s so true — we spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about what other people will think, when really they’re not paying that much attention to us at all. They’re too busy worrying about what other people are thinking about *them.*

    Took me 41 years to figure this out. Damn… But better late than never, right? I plan to spend the next 41 fully enjoying who I really am, and everyone else can either join me or ignore me as they see fit.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  6. […] The other day my friend sent me a link to a blog and the final sentence basically sums up my philosophy on life -  “you’re going to be dead soon. You might as well do something fun, in the meantime”. […]

  7. Seth M. Baker Avatar

    Hey Julien, you’re dead on with this post. The worst we imagine is almost always far worse than what actually happens.

    The way I see it is like this: if I don’t write that controversial or challenging post, I’ve let not only my readers down but myself.

    Who cares if I’m going to look absolutely ridiculous?

    It’s better than being invisible.

  8. […] being mediocre with your writing. Maybe even offend people a little. Polarizing opinions get heard when much of the rest does […]

  9. […] being mediocre with your writing. Maybe even offend people a little. Polarizing opinions get heard when much of the rest does […]

  10. Peter Paluska Avatar

    Absolutely right, Julien!
    If we don’t get started on those passion projects NOW, when are we going to?
    The term eventually really only applies to things like the weather, volcanoes, and such. WE humans have to start making that “eventually” right now!
    Best wishes,


  11. […] gets the boss’ attention. He raises his hand when asked. He has the balls to tell the boss that he can do the job better than anyone even though it may not be […]

  12. […] that day. Now, make no mistake, these are cowardly things to do when you don’t have the balls to say no, but they’re better than outright saying yes. These are baby […]

  13. Cole W Avatar

    So true…not only do we have to have balls but to promote a book I just finished reading, we have to learn how to poke the box a little.

  14. kate Avatar

    after over two years of a make-do state cubicle job to weather the crazy economic weirdness, something in me snapped a couple of months ago and i thought: f*ck this. i use to live in nyc and have a dangerous sparkle. i don’t belong in this dead job. so i died my hair with flaming orange stripes, started wearing multi colored dansko shoes with strange socks, began speaking my mind, and when i went on my next “real job” interview with a cutting edge public health firm, let it all hang out. i talked about my shamanic healing work, about my vision of where public health is going. i cracked jokes and told the ceo point blank: i’m bored out of my mind at my current job – i need challenge and motion and dimension. and after three years of job interviews that went nowhere, of course this time i got offered the job. 15k raise and fascinating work: here i come!

  15. Quanish Avatar

    Thanks. I needed that.

  16. […] I think Julien said it best in this post that actually had balls: […]

  17. Mark Robertson Avatar

    Just want to point out that I love that my tab for this post says…”balls” (next to J)

    And I had it open when I was teaching media class.

    And I don’t care.

    Thanks Julien,

  18. almost monday Avatar

    Thanks for the added motivation to be myself and not take any ol “day job” again! Looking forward to showing off my balls!

    And Kate, I don’t know what dangerous sparkle is, but it sounds lovely and I want it!

  19. Aihanh Maasen Avatar
    Aihanh Maasen

    I once had a pastor who said, “I’m not who I think I am. I’m not who you think I am. I’m who I think you think I am.” His message was always do what’s right, no matter how scary other people’s opinions may be. Good message–thank you for blogging.

  20. […] Liberal Party of Canada no longer has any balls, but for us, there’s still hope. Walk where you want to walk. Don’t accept false […]

  21. […] Liberal Party of Canada no longer has any balls, but for us, there’s still hope. Walk where you want to walk. Don’t accept false […]

  22. […] like to be poetic and princess-ly and rephrase that, but there’s no other way to say it. Julien at said it […]

  23. […] Liberal Party of Canada no longer has any balls, but for us, there’s still hope. Walk where you want to walk. Don’t accept false […]

  24. […] liberties/freedom but Trudeau refuses their boxes. The Liberal Party of Canada no longer has any balls, but for us, there’s still hope. Walk where you want to walk. Don’t accept false […]

  25. […] it is not a coincidence. The reason these guys have these symbols of success is because they have balls. They’re willing to do what other people aren’t, have extreme confidence, and get by […]

  26. Joyce Avatar

    You know what? I have something better than balls. I have ovaries.

  27. Joyce Avatar

    *just as wonderful and amazing as, not better than

  28. Natacha Avatar

    Hello Julien,
    I’m a french girl (22) and I discovered you’re blog few days ago. I just wanted to tell you about a french amazing writter who seems to think the exact same way as you do (and as I do too^^). He’s name is Frederic Beigbeder and if you can have access to some of his book, I highly recommend them: they’re awesome and so smart and funny in the same time. Bye

  29. […] Liberal Party of Canada no longer has any balls, but for us, there’s still hope. Walk where you want to walk. Don’t accept false […]

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