Wow, ok, so today is the day.
Big launch in front of thousands of people, press, etc. It’s all happening. It’s real.
Today is the day I launch the company I conceived of around a year ago. It’s a company called Breather. A company that I have been working on crazy hard for a very long time.
This is so big to me right now that I don’t even know how to begin, so let’s just do it this way, by telling you what I wanted to change.
I was sick of walking around in cities everywhere, trying to find a place to go.
I was no longer willing to have meetings in coffee shops, either.
I was annoyed of having to take phone calls in the street, with sirens passing by me.
I was sick of having to scavenge for electrical outlets when my phone was dying.
More than anything, I wanted a place to rest.
I’m an introvert— but a very specific kind of introvert.
I’m an introvert that needs to talk a lot for work, that needs to meet a lot of people, and that needs to recuperate mid-way through the day.
Starbucks wasn’t cutting it. Hotel lobbies weren’t cutting it.
I’m also medicated for epilepsy, and I need my sleep. So when I was under-slept, there was nowhere for me to go.
I would find myself wandering around in a city, practically ready to rent a hotel room so I could nap for a couple of hours and go to my end-of-day meetings or parties.
This is why I started working on private space, a long time ago.
I wanted space I could go to, anytime.
Not just space, but nice space. Well-designed rooms. Rooms that were quiet. Rooms I didn’t need to ask permission to get into. Rooms I could just go to whenever I wanted.
So that’s what we made. That’s what Breather is.
What we tried to do with Breather is to create on-demand space, the way it was meant to be.
Grab your phone, open an app. Reserve a room near you, anytime, anywhere. That’s Breather.
Where do the rooms come from? Well, we work with the owners of real estate in cities everywhere.
We use lock systems like Lockitron to open the doors.
The rooms are always clean, and always safe. They’re affordable. The wifi is always good.
The rooms are always open– and we’re going to get them wherever you want them to be.
So essentially, what is Breather? It’s peace and quiet on-demand.
It works in the middle of the places you travel to, and the city you live in. You can rent them, wherever they are, for as long as you want, with your phone.
If you’re a member, you can access them anytime.
Wow, it’s crazy I’m even talking about this. Honestly, I’m exhausted.
So I’ll let you go to the site, here, and see the rest.
Thank you for your support, and thanks for being understanding of the radio silence during this time.
P.S.: If this works, we are going to be changing the landscape of cities forever. So if you want to come do that with us, as an engineer, a designer, or anything else, email us. We want to hear from you.
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