Category: community

  • Getting a Phone

    The other week I was hanging out at a bar with a few friends and someone asked me about a project. Basically the idea was this– how to build a community around a filmmaker so that they could thereafter fund a film project if they thought it had merit. (A little bit like Kickstarter does […]

  • Digging out the albums

    Fucking Facebook is starting to piss me off. Between 1-3 times per day, it’s now sending me notes that people I no longer really wanted contact with (mostly during my highly awkward high school phase) want to be my friends again– whether they were in the first place, who knows. I’ve already sacrified present and […]

  • 150 Episodes: Holy Crap

    How to subscribe. My 150th show, done from the balcony of a hotel room during SXSW 2007. The state and future of the web and of media personalities, my position within the structure, and where I hope to be. It all came out. This was a great show to do. [audio:] Direct download link

  • 7 Songs

    w00t, so I was tagged by Bill and Charlotte for this 7 song thing. You basically choose songs that you’re enjoying right now, share them through the post, and then spread it to more people. Here are mine. All of them I’ve discovered recently– I hope you like them: Up All Night, by El-P (eMusic) […]

  • Three Lessons from Podcamp

    So I’m in San Francisco right now, chilling in a house we rented with Patrick and a certain girl. The next few days involve recording a podcast and general vacationing, getting together with some Podshow peeps and listeners to the show. Yesterday was Flickr’s 3rd anniversary party, which was super fun. The Podcamp Toronto thing […]

  • Rapper Talib Kweli joins Second Life

    Holy crap, this is nuts. Talib Kweli, a conscious rapper best known for his work in Black Star with Mos Def (but also his albums Quality and The Beautiful Struggle), just joined Second Life. Go read it on his website. This is nuts. Here’s his island.

  • Chilling with Anji

    Hey, I hadn’t blogged it yet, but Anji and I talked a little bit ago for a show we put on Sirius. The recording ended up being over an hour, and that’s what I put online. So, you know, be prepared for a hella long recording. 🙂 Here’s the transcript, in case you guys are […]

  • Leaving Banff

    Today is our last full day at the Banff Cross Platform Mentorship Lab. Our presentation went over really well earlier- last night, we decided to scrap the way we were selling the idea, starting over entirely about 12 hours before needing to present it. This change and the presentation was really well received, and we […]

  • Why are A-list bloggers boring?

    (And I’m not being facetious here.) Here is a list of some A-list bloggers I read and enjoy: Smart Mobs (because of flashmob and mobile stuff), Dave Winer (yeah yeah, laugh it up), Seth Godin (marketing, branding, etc.), and Scobleizer (no idea why, really – but at least he admits it). There are others I […]

  • Julien, Véro, et HAL

    Je travaille depuis quelque temps sur HAL (Hub d’Artistes Locaux), un projet où nous rassemblons la communauté d’artistes locaux avec les usagers d’internet sans-fil Montréalais. Le vidéo ci-dessous est une introduction au projet, monté par Véro B, une vidéobloggeure locale très talentueuse. Si vous êtes nouveau visiteur, bienvenue à mon blogue! Vous y retrouverez régulièrement […]