Category: culture

  • Incentive vs. Character

    The fine for smoking at the New York Marriott Marquis is $250. Feel free to do it; they’ll just charge your card. Smoke in your friend’s house, however, and he just won’t let you back in. These two examples display the difference between two kinds of repercussions– financial and social. If you don’t smoke in […]

  • The Case Against “I Love You”

    Marathon runners have it. So do Crossfitters, gamers, art dealers, and social media people. Insider language is everywhere. All subcultures have specialized words that comes with being part of the insider class. These expressions (THAC0 comes to mind) represent specialized, complex ideas that are important to the culture, but meaningless outside of it. This is […]

  • We Are Cowboys

    We are cowboys. This place is a frontier. The way we experience media right now is the way all future media will be. Nobody knows that yet, but we do. What we are trying right now may seem crazy to some people, fruitless communication with no purpose, but in reality what we are trying will […]

  • What are we going to do about the BA?

    I was discussing with someone last night about the uselessness of the basic university degree. I compared it to an arms race– when one group has a BA, the other needs the BA to compete with them in the job marketplace, but when both sides have them, they no longer provide any employment advantage whatsoever. […]

  • Why Twitter Was Inevitable

    Have you listened to the radio recently? I was on a radio interview with the CBC last week with Jo-Ann Roberts. It reminded me about a lot of stuff I had forgotten about in radio culture– things that are necessary because of channel-surfing that goes on with most listeners. One of those things is to […]

  • The Consequences of Advice Dog

    Watch the video below before you read this. Or don’t, whatever. At least look here. First of all, disclosure: A lot of people find this meme funny. Despite its kind of offensive nature, I think I’m becoming one of them, and so are a lot of people (look at the Youtube comments). My question is […]