Category: hip hop

  • Wanna Start a Company or Raise Venture Capital? Listen to Rap Music

    It’s pretty much undisputed at this point there is a connection between successful venture capitalists & entrepreneurs, and listening to hip-hop music. This is totally unscientific, of course. But it makes total sense to me now. I don’t know when it started, but these days, I’m seeing it everywhere. And I know it’s crazy, and […]

  • P.S.: I’ve started doing podcasts again

    … and you can thank Neil Gorman and Nokia. Listen to see why. (The music is by Greydon Square… thanks Tim.) The RSS feed is still here. Also, for the next 3 months or so, Nokia is sponsoring the show. They sent me an N810 and I chat about it a bit in the thing. […]

  • New Stones Throw DVD released, rawks

    I just downloaded the new Stones Throw DVD, In Living the True Gods, from iTunes. I’m seriously impressed by it. Here’s a still from “Monkey Suite”, the first video on the disc: I was expecting to pay like 20 bucks for this thing, but they have it on iTunes for $9.99 (in the US store). […]

  • To Rap = To Fake?

    In case you guys weren’t following it, T.I. was arrested the other day after being caught with a bunch of machine guns and silencers. Yeah, I know. Jay Smooth has a great video about it, actually, but what I’d like to talk about is the dichotomy between implied violence and actual violence in hip hop. […]

  • Don’t buy Kanye, Don’t buy 50

    And now, a public service announcement brought to you by Jay Smooth. P.S.: If you’re looking for an album to buy this week, consider Killah Priest instead, which you can listen to on my new episode. (Yeah, I still do a podcast. I’m just as shocked as you are, frankly.) P.P.S.: Clyde Smith is saying […]

  • Being a cyborg

    How to subscribe. How the rich control your education, being a cyborg, and the chessboard of life. Relevant links: Famous for 15 people, Chat with a rich kid. [] Direct download link

  • Ill Doctrine

    Jay Smooth is the host of New York’s longest running hip-hop radio show. He has a videoblog now with Podtech. It rules.

  • Astounding new theory on why rap sales are declining

    You heard it here first, people: Rappers are douchebags.

  • Stop the Presses: I actually made a podcast

    How to subscribe. The Seven Plagues of Modern Man, new tattoos, New York and Toronto are piece of shit cities. Etc. [] Direct download link

  • 150 Episodes: Holy Crap

    How to subscribe. My 150th show, done from the balcony of a hotel room during SXSW 2007. The state and future of the web and of media personalities, my position within the structure, and where I hope to be. It all came out. This was a great show to do. [audio:] Direct download link