Category: humour
The Complete Guide to Learning from Criminals
Whenever I’m in doubt and I don’t know where to turn, I turn to my idols, who never let me down: Brainiac, Two-Face, and Spongebob Squarepants. Ok, just kidding about Squarepants. The rest is real though. You know, until recently, if I were asked about my idols, I might have said someone like Marshall McLuhan, […]
The Short and Sweet Guide to Being Fucking Awesome
People will tell you that there are all kinds of yardsticks to measure progress. What they don’t say is that most of them are worthless. Money, career, fame… whatever. That’s all fine and good, but the bottom line is that there is one thing– just one– that really matters. Being fucking awesome. You can be […]
The Quick, 12-Step Guide to Quitting That @#$%ing Job You Hate
Guess what, it’s Monday! And you’re still at that job you hate. Nice. 1. 9am. Get to the office. Go straight to the coffee machine. Hang out there for 10 minutes before heading to your desk. Dread the workweek. 2. 9:10am. Check Facebook and email, despite having just done so on your iPhone 15 minutes […]