Category: podcasting
blah blah Monetize Your Podcast blah – wait, what?
Joseph Jaffe just got a free iPhone from a listener. All he had to do was offer up a sponsorship for one episode of his show. This lucky accident could revolutionize podcast sponsorship. (I sure hope it does!) Your podcast may only have 100 listeners, but no matter your niche, I’d be willing to bet […]
Why I don’t do a marketing podcast
In the past year, I’ve become quite adept at distributing information, both large and small, across the web. If you’ve seen me at a conference, you’ll notice I very rarely talk about “voice,” “authenticity,” or any other subject you would consider to be related to my show. Instead, you hear me talk about marketing, about […]
Neil Gorman assaults PAB 2007
Neil Gorman had everyone crying from laughter during his presentation.
Stop the Presses: I actually made a podcast
How to subscribe. The Seven Plagues of Modern Man, new tattoos, New York and Toronto are piece of shit cities. Etc. [] Direct download link
Release the hounds
Since I’ve been asked about it a couple of times: I’m recording a podcast as soon as I hit New York, which is to say, as soon as I’m not living out of hotel rooms. 🙂 Miss you guys though.
Life after Sirius
Life without Sirius has me listless. It was one of my projects where I had a regular deadline. Without it, life is a bit more like limbo. After my capoeira class oday, I spent wandering downtown Austin, wasting time on the web, etc. It’s strange to be on your own schedule, working at pretty much […]
Sirius and Podshow end their contract
Big news of the day: Podshow and Sirius have officially ended their contract together, starting May 1st. I just got the email yesterday. What does this mean for me? For those of you that didn’t know, my podcast is/was syndicated onto satellite radio every Friday, which was pretty cool. It led me to produce shows […]
Scott Sigler: #7 on the Amazon Top 100
Scott Sigler‘s novel Ancestor, out today on paperback, has just hit #7 on the Amazon Top 100. It just sold out– and I got the last copy. 🙂 What a great world we live in that this dude, one of the hardest working people in our industry, can reach the same levels as Harry Potter […]
The day is here
Today is Bum Rush the Charts. With your help, we will push one independent, podsafe track to #1 on the iTunes charts, and help send one lucky kid to college. How can you help? Go here and follow the instructions. Half the proceeds from this will be going to a scholarship fund. And if you […]
Audio vs Video at SXSW
I suspect it’s about time I got involved in video. Something weird is happening here at SXSW. Videoblogging is well-represented here, but podcasts, definitely not. I don’t see any huge podcasters either on panels, or in the audience. 2007 is definitely about video, and if you’re here, you see it clear as day. Is audio […]