Category: projects

  • Sirius and Podshow end their contract

    Big news of the day: Podshow and Sirius have officially ended their contract together, starting May 1st. I just got the email yesterday. What does this mean for me? For those of you that didn’t know, my podcast is/was syndicated onto satellite radio every Friday, which was pretty cool. It led me to produce shows […]

  • Listen To Your Kids in the Montreal Gazette

    Though won’t archive the article, I still feel pretty good about JD Gravenor’s article, Podcasts: Letting parents hear what teens have trouble saying. It focuses on Listen To Your Kids, a project started this year to connect kids with parents. Go give it a read while it’s still online.

  • Three Lessons from Podcamp

    So I’m in San Francisco right now, chilling in a house we rented with Patrick and a certain girl. The next few days involve recording a podcast and general vacationing, getting together with some Podshow peeps and listeners to the show. Yesterday was Flickr’s 3rd anniversary party, which was super fun. The Podcamp Toronto thing […]

  • The Homelessness Marathon is live

    Click here to listen to it, and here for more info. I’ll be on again as of midnight Eastern time, for the open mic hour. Peace! Update: This is seriously fucked up.

  • 2007 Homelessness Marathon

    Next week I’ll be participating in the Homelessness Marathon, a 14-hour ordeal of a radio broadcast which is distributed across over 35 stations in Canada and the US. With me will be other members of Homeless Nation as well as a bunch of other radio volunteers, all of whom have devoted themselves to producing 14 […]

  • Keep It Real released

    My ChangeThis manifesto, titled Keep It Real, was published yesterday at ChangeThis. Check it out, download it, etc. etc. Feedback is appreciated.

  • Listen to your kids: It’s happening

    So this Listen To Your Kids thing– it’s happening, man. Subscribers are rising quickly after a week, and it continues to go up every day. We got our first call a few days ago, and with the 800 number coming in by next week, things should move pretty quickly. I have to say, I’m pretty […]

  • Listen To Your Kids is live

    Listen To Your Kids is a project that I’ve been thinking about it since the Podcast Expo in September of 2006. Today, I am happy to say that I am launching the site. What does it do? Listen To Your Kids connects kids that want to share with parents that want to listen, all through […]

  • ChangeThis manifesto draft

    I forgot to mention it last week, but I wanted to say thanks to Hugh of gapingvoid for including a portion of my upcoming ChangeThis manifesto on his blog. Go take a look at it – it’s still far from done, but does give a hint as to some of what I’ve been working on […]

  • I have a photoblog now

    I would love for you to subscribe! If you just want to visit though, it’s right here.