Category: video
Birds in Austin (video)
Check out the number of birds that show up in Austin, TX, during this time of year. I’ve never seen anything like it.
On changing directions
This video was made after breakfast, reading Sylvain Carle’s chapter from the book with the coolest flash widget EVER (which you can see on the right if you’re on the blog). Anyway, check the fucking video.
Jewish Girls
CT Moore posted a thing about his love of Jewish girls the other day. This video is my response. Click To Play
Don’t buy Kanye, Don’t buy 50
And now, a public service announcement brought to you by Jay Smooth. P.S.: If you’re looking for an album to buy this week, consider Killah Priest instead, which you can listen to on my new episode. (Yeah, I still do a podcast. I’m just as shocked as you are, frankly.) P.P.S.: Clyde Smith is saying […]
Ill Doctrine
Jay Smooth is the host of New York’s longest running hip-hop radio show. He has a videoblog now with Podtech. It rules.
On Public Performance
A number of you have likely seen Naturally 7‘s subway rendition of In the Air Tonight. Check it out quickly if you haven’t (RSS readers, the video is embedded on this blog post): Have you ever seen something like this? Likely, you haven’t, and you never will– but have you ever considered why that is? […]
If MySpace were a country (and other interesting facts)
I recently had a shift in thinking, previous to which I would refuse to blog anything ‘big’– this, on the principle that my readers would previously find it elsewhere. No longer though. That said, here’s this awesome video I came across a second ago. By the time you rea this, it may be across 5-10 […]
Audio vs Video at SXSW
I suspect it’s about time I got involved in video. Something weird is happening here at SXSW. Videoblogging is well-represented here, but podcasts, definitely not. I don’t see any huge podcasters either on panels, or in the audience. 2007 is definitely about video, and if you’re here, you see it clear as day. Is audio […]
Your whole life on record
The ‘viral’ YouTube video that Bill took of me at Podcamp Toronto is up to 65 views. The day before it went up, Bob asked: “Are you sure you want me to put this online?” To which I said, sure. Before I had a podcast, I used to be scared of people seeing me look […]
A monster a day
Stefan G. Bucher is doing an amazing videoblog – every day he creates a unique monster, using only ink and pen. It’s addictive.