
My entire life– my whole existence–this is probably the thing I have been searching for.

Guts are composed of two parts: GUTS and GUT. Both are equally important to the whole.

GUT is where you should start. Gut requires you to have instinct, and listen to it. When you need to know what to do, gut should respond with an appropriate direction– even if you don’t understand why. More often than not, it should be right.

GUTS is the second part of the equation. When you have guts, you can do what is necessary. You can do what GUT tells you to do. Without guts, you can’t go where you need to go, no matter how drawn to it you are.

So both parts, GUTS and GUT, are necessary. But how do you get them?

I believe it comes down to environmental pressure. So the question is not “why was I not born with a good instinct” (GUT) or “a huge set of balls” (GUTS), but rather, “how can I set up my environment so these things develop naturally?”

For some people this happened as children. For others, not so much– it needs to be groomed into you, and nobody else will do it for you, because nobody else really cares that much whether you have them.

I just finished a piece of work (stay tuned) that tries to address the problem of GUTS. But I suspect I have only just begun to truly understand it. Then, GUT, its twin, needs to be figured out as well.

A guy could spend his whole life on these things, if he were so inclined. Once you develop these two, I suspect anyone with even an average level of intelligence could do amazing things.






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