Traveling to Banff

Currently in-flight, heading straight to Banff from Montréal. The next four days will be spent at the Interactive Project Lab representing HAL, and talking with other participants from all around the country about new media projects they are involved in. Exciting possibilities.

Although I don’t know a hell of a lot about this place, the centre is apparently the size of an entire campus. No idea who inhabits it though- it isn’t a school, but more of a general place-of-learning. People do gather there every year for a variety of art and media stuff, however- and hopefully leave with a better understanding of how to apply it all to the real world.

Despite this, neither Pascal nor myself have any clue whether this place will have wifi, never mind any of the other high tech stuff we are used to working with on a daily basis. The location is apparently remote, far removed from the usual hustle and bustle of large Canadian cities. At the least, it should be a cool change of pace.

Whatever the case, there’s a lot of excitement and mystery in the air for us. I hope I’ll find a place where my usual jolt of RSS can keep me at arm’s reach from the world at large. The launch of CC’snew company is happening today (right around now actually), so there’ll be a lot of cool stuff to watch out for in the next few.






3 responses to “Traveling to Banff”

  1. Vero.b Avatar

    Hey! Have fun there! Tu verras, Banff est magnifique!

  2. Caro Avatar

    T’inquiète, tu t’en vas pas dans un trou!!! Juste à un endroit absolument magnifique. Enjoy! Hope it all goes well and that you find wifi…;-)

  3. Chillcast/In Over Your Head Sirius Special…

    Julien Smith invited me to guest host In Over Your Head for Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 102 last Friday,…

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